


実際、今回の北朝鮮側の対応は、完全に小泉(すなわちそれが代表する日本)を見下したものだった。New York Time の報道 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/23/international/asia/23KORE.html によれば、出迎えは元首どころか外交のトップも現れず、外務省の中位の役人、バンケットどころか食事も用意されず、持参のおにぎりをしたそうである。さらに、あたかも小泉首相を愚弄するような仕草までしたと報道されている。


年金不払い問題から国内の話題をそらすためにこの訪朝を行なったことも NY Times に指摘されている。当然、北朝鮮も足許を見て交渉してきただろう。これほど自分を弱い立場において国を代表されては国民はたまったものではない。

In a region where saving face is paramount, the 10-hour stay in Pyongyang, North Korea's capital, was riddled with slights to the Japanese leader. When Mr. Koizumi, leader of the second largest economy in the world, arrived in Pyongyang, only a midlevel Foreign Ministry official was at the airport to greet him. There was no banquet. Mr. Koizumi ate a box lunch of rice balls an aide brought from Tokyo.

Although visits by heads of government to North Korea are rarities, Mr. Kim spared only 90 minutes to meet with Mr. Koizumi, and then canceled a planned afternoon session. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Kim, who runs a largely bankrupt state, was filmed by television cameras, waggling a forefinger in a jocular, but condescending fashion, in the nose of the Japanese leader, who stood stoically. Mr. Koizumi, who faces upper house elections in July, had hoped to win a diplomatic success in North Korea to divert attention from a serious scandal in Japan over nonpayment of social security taxes by the prime minister and many governing party politicians.